3/5 ★ – BigEvil's review of Evil West.

There are some fun ideas in this one, unfortunately it takes a bit too long for them to come through. Once you unlock a decent chunk of the combat skills, the variety therein can be satisfying, but it’s a journey to get there. It’s partially my fault for not redistributing my skill points along the way, Evil West gives plenty of opportunities to do so. Refocusing my skill trees would’ve made the final 1/3 feel more exciting. But as it stands, my Meadiocre partner (although it was mostly beers this time) and I had a pretty okay time. Co-op definitely goes a long way here, especially with being able to revive each other during the tougher combat sections. It’s 3 stars I think from me, but it’s a good 3 stars. Sometimes you just wanna punch some vampires ya know?