ghostmutttt's review of Justice League Heroes: The Flash.
Hit detection is a bit janky which made for some frustrating moments but otherwise a genuinely great GBA beat em up.
The Flash's move set is pretty varied for a console with only two face buttons, with new attacks unlocking as you progress. Despite its low scope, the game does extremely well in making you feel fast and agile with a slow down mode and a sonic-style homing attack that lets you zip between enemies before they can even wind up a punch.
Graphically the game looks great for the console with a pleasing a pallette, and I enjoyed the stylised character designs used for the cutscenes.
Wailing on the thugs and robots can get repetitive like any beat em up, but the game is short, the ally system is cool and the boss battles have some interesting quirks that keep you from mindlessly button bashing.
Overall, real cool